Security Concepts

Helping Private Equity Firms Understand Portfolio-Wide Risk

May 11, 2021 Kroll Security Risk Management

Historically, private equity firms have sought Kroll’s security risk management advice after an issue occurs, when they have an issue at one of their companies and they need some assistance. An emerging trend that Kroll has recently seen, is that private equity firms are going out of their way to essentially understand the risk across their entire portfolio before an incident occurs.

Since the pandemic, there has been a big demand for private equity firms to have risk assessed across their entire portfolio, and for Kroll to provide a vulnerability assessment, best practices and master plans for what they need to do to make sure they have security programs across all the companies that are commensurate with the level of risk and also really relevant to the actual business that they are running.

Hear insights from security experts John Friedlander and Jeff Kernohan on how Kroll can help your firm reduce portfolio risks.